Thursday, February 2, 2012


The good news came in this morning: I'm going to CAKE in June!

Or, the Chicago Alternative Comics Expo, run by Quimby's own Neil Brideau.

Doubly exciting is that it'll be my first official trip to Chicago - being stuck on a bus full of middle-schoolers in the eight grade in traffic on the way through Chicago doesn't exactly count.

In the absence of another Minneapolis Indie Expo this cartooning year, I'm very, very happy to see another Midwest indie get-together forming due to the efforts of a few very enthusiastic people, and very grateful to the panel of many different artists who decided to give me a shot at representing my neck of the woods in the Windy City and choosing me as an exhibitor. I think it's going to be a great time for all involved, and hey, I'll get to see Quimby's for the first time, too!

I'll have copies of Dirty Van #1, Sea Change, and hopefully some more small minis of shorter stories to fill that space I've been generously afforded. I'd planned to fire Maisie up once it got warm enough, anyway, and now I've just got that extra incentive. YEAH.

If anybody's interested and/or in the Chicago area, they could ALWAYS use volunteer power, and people to come and mill about, too. 

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